Schedule Data Block

The data format of the schedule is slightly more complex than a normal message in order to capture the list of payments. Below is the format of the data that is returned by the gateway when checking a schedule and sent to the gateway when creating a new schedule.


The below table is what’s included for the response field SCHEDULEDATA as referenced throughout this document.



The unique identifier for the schedule.

10 - 40 characters limited to alphanumeric values and hyphens.


A list of the payments in the schedule.

Each payment in the list is delimited by [  and ]  and contains the following fields:


The date the payment is scheduled to be processed or actually was

processed in YYYYMMDD  format

AMT Amount of the payment with cents 2.00 a return has a -ve amount
REFNUM 10 - 40 characters or blank for previous decline entries

Result status of the payment:

W – Waiting

D – Declined

A – Approved

S – Archived Decline

R – Removed


Notification status:

Y – Notified

N – Pending

E – Error

CARDMASK Masked card number of the card used for this payment
RESPONSE Text of the transaction response
INVOICE Invoice number tagged to the schedule for reporting purposes
CARDMASK Masked card number of the card currently attached to the schedule
CARDHASH Hash of the card currently attached to the schedule
CUSTNAME Name of the cardholder
CUSTEMAIL Email address of the cardholder

Status of the schedule:

R – Ready

E – Card error

W – Completed

S – Suspended

N – New (needs a card attached or payments added before it can be ready


Example: Schedule with two payments of $100.00 the first one processed and the second waiting
