Transaction Delivery Methods

InterPay™ supports request/response delivery using SSL. You can connect to our server using SSL and send just the request (without HTTP headers), or HTTPS “GET” can be used in order to send the request and receive the response in a “Web page” type format. The “POST” method is also supported.

The HTTPS GET method is useful if your platform is capable of performing HTTPS page retrievals. Our servers use port 1443 for all SSL-encrypted traffic. The information returned from this method is not formatted to be displayed directly to the cardholder.

In its simplest form, the GET may be accomplished with a web browser by entering the request in the “location” text box. The response is then delivered back to the browser as a document of MIME type “text/plain”. This will allow the response to be shown  in the browser.

Using a browser is a good method of testing connectivity before you start building your interface.

Gateway Requests

All requests are delivered using field names and values commonly referred to as tag/value format or, optionally, JSON.

Requests are built by concatenating a series of fields and their values, separated by ampersands (&). The field value is separated from the field name by an equal sign (=).

If an ampersand is required in a field value then two ampersands (&&) must be sent in order to distinguish between the field and field separators.

Field values may be URL-encoded to allow for special characters.

A field may also consist of a list of field groups. This is represented by the following format:


Gateway Responses

Responses will also be in tag/value format.

HTTP headers will be added to the response message if HTTP headers were included in the request.

Gateway Addresses

Requests are processed by connecting to the InterPay™ gateway servers at:

These servers are geographically disbursed and equally capable of processing requests. If one server does not respond or returns a 99xx error code then retry the request on the other server.

Sample Message Format

Sample request and response for a host-based credit card Sale transaction.


or (this can be placed right in your browser)

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: text/plain
Content-length: 145


HTTP headers are not included when the original request did not send headers