Field Descriptions

Request Fields

The amount of money for which the transaction is being performed.

If passing USERFEE: The AMT should not include the USERFEE.

Authorization Number
This field is used for Force Post transactions only.

A Force Post transaction will allow you to deposit money which you already have authorization to charge. In order to do this, you will need to provide the original authorization number in this field.

Card Number
The card number for which the operation is being performed.
Customer Name
The name of the cardholder for reporting purposes
Customer Email Address
The e-mail address of the cardholder for reporting purposes
Card Verification Value 2 Data
This 3 or 4 character field is used to ensure the physical presence of a card in an environment where the cardholder is not present at the time of the purchase.

The CVV2 value appears as additional characters following the credit card number which is printed within the signature panel on the back of the card. (For some cards this number is on the front.) This field is used for VISA CVV2, MasterCard CVC and American Express Card Identifier Code (CID or 4DBC).

Echo Data
This field is returned in the ECHO field of the transaction reply

Whatever data is in this field is returned unchanged in the reply.

This can be useful for transaction tracking in single-process or batch applications.

Expiry Date
The expiry date of the card on which the operation is being performed.
Security Key
SHA256 hash of the message.
Operator ID
The operator ID is a sub-container of the TERMID.

The operator ID is 3 characters, alphanumeric.

An operator ID is created by simply using it. Sending a transaction with operator "01A" will cause that operator to be created.

If the operator ID is omitted, the default is "001".

TERMID + OPERID create the batch identifier

Auto-settle always uses operator ID "001".

For added security, each TERMID requires a password for its use. The PASS will be provided during the time of setup.

The PASS is required for all transactions processed.

Reference Number
The reference number you want to attach to the transaction.

*Certain restrictions may be placed on the reference number depending on your individual situation.

Important: If you are going to be processing Completion transactions, the reference number MUST be unique within the past 30 days. Besides card number, reference number is the only key with which we can match the Completion back to its corresponding Pre-Authorization.

Note: This is not the reference number which appears on the cardholder's statement.

Terminal ID
The Terminal ID is a unique 8 character long, alphanumeric code that is used to identify the source of the transaction.

This field must be the first field of the transaction.

Each organization that is issued a merchant account with SportsPay will have a TERMID associated with it.

An organization may have multiple TERMID’s associated with it depending on the setup. Think of a retail store that has multiple cashiers with each one needing a pinpad. Each pinpad would have its own terminal ID so when the transaction is processed, the pinpad and the retail store are easily identifiable.

Tokenized Card Data
Tokenized card data on file from a previous transaction.

A TOKEN is only valid for use with the same TERMID as the original transaction.

Track 1 or Track 2 Data
Track 1 or Track 2 data

If you are not sure which track you are reading, you may send it in this field instead. Our system will identify and use it.

Transaction Type
The kind of transaction you are performing. See Transaction Types for values.

Note: In order to fully understand the different transaction types, it is helpful to understand the transaction clearing process – see The Credit Card Charging Process

Customer Pay User Fee
The Customer Pay processing fee to apply to the transaction. This is used for merchants who have opted into Customer Pay where the customer pays all processing fees at the time of checkout.

Response Fields

  • All transactions return a TEXT and an associated CODE field.
  • Depending on the type of transaction submitted, other response fields may be returned.
  • The CODE contains a 4-digit result code of ‘0000’ for successful transactions and non-‘0000’ for transactions that were not successful.

For a list of CODE values generated by InterPay™, please refer to Response Text and Return Codes.

For a list of CODE values returned by other institutions, please refer to Appendix A.

Authorization Number
For transactions which return authorization numbers (Sale, Pre-Authorization, Completion, Force Post, Auth Only) this is the authorization number.

The authorization number is also returned in the TEXT field, so the AUTH field is provided mostly for convenience.

Response Code
This is the 4-digit response code from the transaction. All transaction responses contain a CODE field.

0000 constitutes a successful transaction, and any other 4-digit code constitutes a failure.

This code should be used to check for authorization successes (0000), decline conditions (0001 - 1299), and error conditions (8000 - 9999).

Date and Time
The server clock for the transaction.
The duration of the transaction on the server. This can be compared to the duration on the client to establish the communication overhead.
Echo Data
If you submitted a transaction with the ECHO field, this field will be present in the reply and will contain the exact data you placed in the ECHO field of the transaction.
A one-way hash of the card data.

This can be safely stored and used as a cardholder identifier without risking exposure of the actual card number.

Cannot be used for transactions.

Text Response
This is the response text of the message and is included in the response for all transactions. Historically this is what would appear on the screen or printout of a credit card terminal.

The authorization number and amount are displayed here on an approval-type transaction. For errors and decline responses this field contains the error message or decline message.

Tokenized Card Data
Tokenized version of the card data.

This value may be safely stored and used to perform future transactions.